Langt de fleste skotter man møder i det offentlige rum, er oprigtigt venlige, imødekommende og med en fin sans for tør humor. Her traf vi en fond-raiser for Leukemi, på The Royal Mile, lige udenfor "Whisky Experience". Hans reaktion fremkom, fra en sammenligning med J. Beeper.
Der findes masser af pittoreske scenerier, idyliske cottages som dette charmerende hus, beliggende få meter fra Tweed og med fri fiskeret, til ørred og stalling. Moderniseret med mange moderne bekvemmeligheder. DOG, på trods af at vi var der midt i en sommer hedebølge (efter Border områdets standarder), var det fugtigt grænsende til direkte vådt, elendigt el-system, ingen wifi etcetera. Værst var dog det meget tætte naboskab til særdeles højlytte påfugle, haner og andet fjerkravl, dette fremgik ikke nogen som helst steder i prospektet.
Mere klassisk bliver det næppe, en em af tradition som udspringer af århundreders fiskeri.
Grejet er ændret, i en vis udstrækning, menneskene måske også, men grundlæggende er det en forlængelse af de samme handlinger og de samme behov.
Sceneriet omkring floden underbygger disse traditioner, gamle huse, gamle stier og veje.
There are usually quite a lot of sea trout in the system in June and these can be caught on small wet flies such as the butcher, teal blue and silver, peter ross, silver stoat tail etc. Basically any fly with a little bit of colour to it will do (I find flies with a silver body work best). It may also be worth checking whether or not the owner also has the right to fish for the salmon. This is usually done by spinning with toby lures or rapalas or by fly fishing with larger double, treble or tube flies. I don't know of any sites which give great advice on flies but if you stick to the patterns I mentioned you won't go far wrong. Are you familiar with what we call the F fly? This is a small fly, usually with only thread for a body (no dubbing) and a natural or khaki CDC wing? Body colour olive, tan or brown tied on a down eye hook of size 12 to 18 (I mostly use 14 and 16). If you are armed with a few of these you will certainly have the right flies for the job. Sometimes there are hatches of small sedges in the evenings too, but I almost always find small olives are the best. Olive, tan and brown klinkhammers are also very good. These can often tempt a fish to rise even if they're not actively feeding on the surface. During the day heavy nymphs are usually a good bet. Hares ear, olive and pheasant tail patterns, usually size 12 to 18 are best. I tie them with a small tungsten bead to give them enough weight to sink quickly. They can be deadly fished on a short line watching the end of the line for bite indication. You can also fish these heavy nymphs under an indicator on the slower water.
- Fluer med sølv krop
- Små vådfluer – bucher, teal blue & silver (+green), peter ross, Hardys favourite,
- F fly
- Kropsfarve, oliven, tan og brun
- Sedge + oliven, tan og brun klinkhammers, -“-
- Hares ear, pheasant tail 12 – 18 belastet
- Hares ear, olive and pheasant tail patterns, usually size 12 to 18 are best